Image for Ted Heyd
  • Apr 17, 2015
  • By Ted Heyd

Doing more with less

“Why can’t we be more like Copenhagen?” I heard this from a fellow advocate in relation to biking and walking infrastructure on this side of the pond. Most communities in the U.S. are a far cry from mirroring the golden child of cities, but here’s the thing…we’re on our way folks! I can…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Apr 6, 2015
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Bikes break down barriers

Bicycle Colorado’s education department is working on a very unique Safe Routes to School (SRTS) project in the City of Sheridan this spring. The program is geared towards making biking and walking a safer and more regular activity for students from kindergarten to eighth grade. What separates this program from most is…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Mar 31, 2015
  • By Bicycle Colorado

The Trail Building Fairy

I hate to burst this bubble, but there really isn’t a Trail Building Fairy. It’s a nice idea for those of us who love riding dirt, but I think that it is time for many of us (myself included) to put our upper body muscles to work and give the supposed fairy…

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Image for Justin Millar
  • Mar 30, 2015
  • By Justin Millar

Safe infrastructure: it’s in the details

Whether I’m riding a bicycle or driving a car, I pride myself on being as aware of my surroundings as possible. With this in mind, I was alarmed, recently, when I came very close to being hit by a car as I crossed an intersection. The photo below is from an intersection much like the…

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Image for Katie Bonomo
  • Mar 13, 2015
  • By Katie Bonomo

Fat biking in Frisco

I’ll admit it. I was a little tired of hearing about fat biking before I even tried it. People just seemed SO into it. See: Waking up to a fat bike and coffee…Finns go wild for the fatbike – perfect for biking in the snow…Minnesotans complete the Iditarod — on fat bikes…A Fat Bike For Kids…

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Image for Amy Morfas
  • Mar 6, 2015
  • By Amy Morfas

My ever-changing multimodal commute

  I live in Boulder and commute to our office in lower downtown Denver each day. While many people groan about this commute, I truly don’t find it too bad, although the snowy days can definitely test one’s patience. I’ve been making this multimodal commute every day for 4+ years now and…

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Image for Madeline Kreider Carlson
  • Mar 2, 2015
  • By Madeline Kreider Carlson

Bike medicine

I never used to think twice about riding a bike. As a kid, I rode to the park and the library. In college, I pedaled to class. When I moved to Philly, frugality and scarce parking turned me into a bike commuter. It wasn’t until last year that bicycling revealed its healing…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Feb 17, 2015
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Colorado winters

It’s easy to get excited about the bicycling event season when winter delivers those beautiful 60+ degree days that we’ve enjoyed in between snowstorms. It’s one of the secrets about Colorado winters that we selfishly hope doesn’t become known to people outside our state! Dreaming about bicycle events A beautiful ride on…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Jan 29, 2015
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Bikes a world away

I had the opportunity to take a trip across the Atlantic last week. While visiting France and Holland, I saw firsthand what I had only heard others describe to me: a world full of bikes. Bikes used as transportation, bikes ridden for leisure, bikes toting small children and bikes used to carry cargo…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Jan 23, 2015
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Introducing Women Bike Colorado

Fewer women than men ride bikes in the U.S.—a lot fewer. I don’t like to admit it, but the stats don’t lie. In the U.S., male cyclists outnumber female cyclists by at least 2:1. The reasons why women don’t ride as much are pretty logical. As a group, women get more groceries, schlep…

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Image for Justin Millar
  • Jan 20, 2015
  • By Justin Millar

Flood recovery progress on Longmont’s greenways

The floods of September 2013 damaged many of the bike paths around Longmont, where I live, especially those along St. Vrain and Left Hand Creeks. I recently took a couple of weekend rides on the St. Vrain and Left Hand Greenways and saw that flood recovery projects are in full swing—many repairs…

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Image for Katie Bonomo
  • Jan 9, 2015
  • By Katie Bonomo

Bike champions (or, how bicycle infrastructure can be built faster)

  Of all the things that make a place bicycle-friendly, the one I think about every day is infrastructure. I want better bike infrastructure for all the would-be bikers who feel like they’d be putting themselves (or their kids) in unnecessary danger by learning how to bike to work or school using…

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Image for Amy Morfas
  • Dec 19, 2014
  • By Amy Morfas

New year, new me? Nah…

Yes, it’s that time of year. A holiday season that for many is filled with friends and family, traditional holiday food (hopefully including cookies), time away from the office, travel, movies, laughter, reflection and overindulgence. Sounds great, right? Yet every year, we follow these joyous times with pressure to improve our lives…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Dec 16, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Generating change through relationships

Traveling the state In my roles of outreach and development at Bicycle Colorado, I enjoy traveling around the state to meet with members, donors and people in local communities working to improve bicycling and walking where we live. My colleagues and I regularly visit communities across Colorado to keep our finger on the pulse of…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Dec 11, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

New evidence supports Safe Routes to School programs

As the end of the year approaches and the Bicycle Colorado education team wraps up another successful season, I find myself once again reflecting on our progress. From September through November, we completed bicycle and pedestrian safety education programs in seven schools (including a middle school), reaching over 3,000 students. More than 80…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Nov 25, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Kids’ bikes are getting fat

As a general rule, I can be a bit of a stubborn nonconformist. When fitness trends get hot (CrossFit, barefoot running, etc.), I tend to be skeptical. I have often asked chiropractor and physical therapist friends what they think of such trends and many times I hear, “It keeps me in business,” which…

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Image for Ted Heyd
  • Nov 18, 2014
  • By Ted Heyd

Transit improvements to trigger changes

A system emerging Last Friday, two Bicycle Colorado team members and I attended the Transit Alliance’s Annual Transit Event here in Denver. Approximately 250 people from throughout the region took part to network, hear the latest on FasTracks and honor several award recipients. You may ask, why are staff of a bicycle-focused organization…

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Image for Justin Millar
  • Nov 10, 2014
  • By Justin Millar

Dwindling daylight derails dedication

Now that daylight saving time is over and darkness increasingly creeps into my waking hours, the good bicycling habits I built up during the warmer, brighter months are suddenly in jeopardy. The weekend exercise ride is still something I look forward to; it’s the “just got home from work and it’s dark and…

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Image for Dan Grunig
  • Nov 4, 2014
  • By Dan Grunig

Bicycle safety improving

Bicycle safety came into the media spotlight recently due to a report from the Governors Highway Safety Association. The report states that the number of cyclist fatalities increased 16 percent from 2010 to 2012. What the report failed to take into account is the increase in bicycling during that same period. To…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Oct 31, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Four spooky experiences on a bicycle

Happy Halloween! In celebration of the calendar’s most ghoulish day, we put together four spooky bicycle-related experiences and lessons. 4. Riding like the living dead This one is silly, but it is an experience I’ve had too many times. I’m talking about bonking: running out of energy during a ride. This happens when…

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Image for Katie Bonomo
  • Oct 24, 2014
  • By Katie Bonomo

Six ways you can help improve bicycling

While biking around town, I do a lot of thinking about how things could be better for people on bikes. I think, why did they design the intersection like this? It could be so much safer. Or, why isn’t there a bike rack at this store? So many people get here by bike.…

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Image for Amy Morfas
  • Oct 17, 2014
  • By Amy Morfas

Serenity now!

I know when you work in the field of bicycle advocacy and active transportation, you’re bound to hear these types of comments frequently. But as cyclists, we’ve all been there. Right? Wait, been where? You know, that moment when a conversation turns awkward or uncomfortable by a comment (often) made by a…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Oct 15, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Chip seal—the bumpy truth

Too late I rode Guanella Pass recently to enjoy the aspens. Several cycling friends, who are also Bicycle Colorado members, told me to ride the pass before it was completely chip sealed. Unfortunately, the job was complete, changing the pavement from smooth to somewhat rough. I waited too long. For those who…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Sep 29, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

The lowdown on Subaru VeloSwap

Are you a scavenger, deal seeker or collector? Perhaps a bicycle enthusiast, racer or commuter? Maybe you are an outdoors-lover, Colorado experience-hound or a gotta-check-out-everything type of person? If you are some, all or even none of these things, VeloSwap has something for you. What is VeloSwap? VeloSwap is the world’s largest…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Sep 19, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

The parent powered movement

“When I was your age I walked uphill in the snow both ways…” Every child seems to have heard this at some point. And while exaggerated, people DID walk to school every day. Kids rode their bikes, or skateboards or simply got to school using their own bodies. I walked, too. We…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Sep 12, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

The Biking Vikings

My poor mother. There we were in Norway—traveling together for the first time in years—and I was spending an awful lot of time veering off to take photos of bike lanes, bike commuters and parents walking their kids to school. “Check out that protected bike lane,” I would say, or “I’m just…

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Image for Justin Millar
  • Sep 8, 2014
  • By Justin Millar

5 reasons Colorado is a great place to ride

There are tons of reasons that Colorado is a great place to ride. This is by no means a comprehensive list, but here are five reasons I love riding in Colorado. Leave a comment below to let us know why you think Colorado is a great place to ride. 1. The weather…

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Image for Katie Bonomo
  • Aug 29, 2014
  • By Katie Bonomo

Trading four wheels for two

Each summer, Tour de Fat brings its blend of beer, bikes and bemusement to cities across the country. Tour de Fat is a parade and celebration of biking and beer put on by New Belgium Brewing, a strong supporter of Bicycle Colorado. At every event, a brave soul trades her/his car for a bike—pledging to live car-free…

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Image for Amy Morfas
  • Aug 22, 2014
  • By Amy Morfas

Everything is more fun by bike!

It’s hard to believe, but summer is already starting to wind down. Thankfully there’s still time to get out and check all your “summer fun” items off your list before the cold moves in. While many of us ride year-round, there’s something special about being able to get around town by bike…

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Image for Justin Millar
  • Aug 11, 2014
  • By Justin Millar

Better access to improve LoBo Trail

Colorado’s regional trail system offers many opportunities to get out and bike with your family. One of the trails I like to ride with my own family is the LoBo Trail, a 12-mile long trail connecting Longmont and Boulder by way of Gunbarrel and Niwot. I am happy to share that one disorganized intersection…

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Bicycle Colorado

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  • Share and tag your bicycle images
  • Bicycle Colorado has been proud to offer a variety of bike clinics this season to give riders new skills and confidence. Thanks to Nicole from the Amy D. Foundation for leading the Women’s Gravel Clinic.
  • After multiple attempts since 2018, on the final day of the session, the Colorado Legislature passed SB24-065, also known as the distracted driving bill.
  • Mark your calendars … @VeloSwap is back! #VeloSwap Tickets and booth space are now available for the November 2nd event. Link in bio. #BikeExpo #Denver