Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Aug 4, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Best ways to enjoy the USA Pro Challenge

The speed. The crowds. The colorful racing kits. The Colorado scenery. On their own these things are great; together they are Colorado’s premier road cycling event, the USA Pro Challenge. I feel fortunate to have seen at least one stage of the USA Pro Challenge in person each year since the first race…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Jul 29, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Colorado bike share—a celebration (and free day)

Following the successful pilot of bike share during the 2008 Democratic national convention in Colorado, our state saw the launch of the very first large-scale bike share system in the U.S. Since that time, the concept has exploded across the country and has been implemented in some 40 cities. An even greater…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Jul 28, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Mom on a bike Part II: Riding with kids

Riding around town with my two kids in tow, I am often asked about how to get young children on bikes. How old do they need to be? What type of gear should I have? Where can I find a helmet small enough? There is an overwhelming amount of information online, complete…

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Image for Dan Grunig
  • Jul 23, 2014
  • By Dan Grunig

Biking on the rise? Count on It!

Traditional traffic counting systems only track the number of motorized vehicles. Of course this method leaves out a significant portion of people using public roads. Some roads may see 10%, 15%, 20% or more trips taken by people walking and biking. There is a wise saying that we can’t manage what we…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Jul 22, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Riding Bikes with Margaret Mead

When I was a kid, I thought that I was going to grow up and help save the world. Growing up in a small, liberal town in southern Oregon, my thinking was probably cliché. But I was pretty darn committed and read books by Jimmy Carter and Nelson Mandela­—all about international peace…

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Image for Amy Morfas
  • Jul 2, 2014
  • By Amy Morfas

The gift that keeps on giving

I was recently pondering the simple joys of bicycling and how the activity gives us so much in return. Since our main audience consists of cyclists, I know that many of you reading this will say…yeah, duh. But I think it can be easy to lose sight of this as we get…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Jun 11, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

5 ways to get a friend into bicycling

None of us were born bicyclists. Well maybe you were if you are Taylor Phinney and both your parents were professional cyclists. But the rest of us had to get our start somewhere else. In my last post, I mentioned how a friend helped me get into bicycle racing. I believe many of us…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • May 22, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

How we’re helping grown-ups ride more

It’s that special time of year again, when the flat tires, the rusty chains and the cobwebbed bike frames get some extra consideration. People who don’t normally ride may be inspired by the gorgeous spring weather or may consider participating in Bike to Work day. They might brush off that bike, maybe…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • May 21, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Walking School Bus Success at Red Rocks Elementary

A few weeks ago, another one of our year-long Safe Routes to School programs finished up. It wasn’t a typical finish, though. It was one that required some customization … and one that ended with a huge (and unusual) success. The majority of our Safe Routes to School programs typically follow a…

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Image for Dan Grunig
  • May 14, 2014
  • By Dan Grunig

Colorado bicycle commuting: How much do you know?

At Bicycle Colorado, we believe that active transportation—riding your bicycle or walking as a primary way to get where you want to go—is good not only for our own health, but for the health of the environment and the economy. Colorado is high on the list for the percentage of trips taken…

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Image for Amy Morfas
  • May 7, 2014
  • By Amy Morfas

Life happens (and then you get back in the saddle)

This was a tough blog post to write, as it’s really about not riding a bike. Sigh. It’s funny how life happens. You can coast along for a while and then—BAM!—you face a lot of disruption and change in your life. I’ve just been through one of these phases, with some of…

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Image for Dan Grunig
  • May 1, 2014
  • By Dan Grunig

Colorado Slips to #6 in Bicycle Friendly Rankings

  After steadily climbing up the Bicycle Friendly States ranking to reach #2 last year, Colorado has dropped to the #6 position this year. The ranking is compiled by the League of American Bicyclists and is based on the following five categories: Legislation and Enforcement, Policies & Programs, Infrastructure & Funding, Education…

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Image for Ted Heyd
  • Apr 23, 2014
  • By Ted Heyd

Arvada rides show people the city on two wheels

I’m often in the community talking to bicycle advocacy groups.  A couple of months ago, I heard about a cool program in Arvada that is helping to increase awareness of bicycling in the community and get more (and new people) out on bikes. The  Arvada Transportation Advisory Committee is a bicycle advocacy…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Apr 17, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Safe Routes passes in the House, Needs your help in Senate

On April 11, the Colorado House of Representatives passed the Safe Routes to School Act, HB 14-1301, on a 42-20 vote with $700,000 in state funding. We asked you to reach out to your state representatives to voice your support for the Safe Routes to School program, and your voices were heard.…

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Image for Justin Millar
  • Apr 15, 2014
  • By Justin Millar

CDOT Releases New Online Colorado Bicycle & Byways Map

The Colorado Department of Transportation recently released an online version of the “Colorado Bicycling and Scenic Byways Map” that essentially combines Google Maps (just Colorado) and a printed map. The app is available for download from a desktop, tablet or mobile phone at: http://dtdapps.coloradodot.info/bike Online version is based on Google Maps data Like…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Apr 15, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

What’s Your Story?

Many people have a bicycling story. Maybe it’s your first memory on a bike. Perhaps it is completing a century ride. Or it could be riding your favorite mountain bike trail. The bicycle has created many stories in my life. I’ve met a lot of friends, had great adventures and seen a…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Apr 4, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Saving Safe Routes to School

What’s the Big Deal? Safe Routes to School has kept me busy for the last four years. I have been working in the Education Department at Bicycle Colorado since early 2010. Since then, my coworkers and I have taught in 113 schools, and reached over 50,000 students with our Safe Routes to…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Apr 1, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

How can we get people like me to ride more?

Hang out with bicycling advocates for any amount of time, and you’re sure to hear the term “the 60 percent.” It refers to a study done by the Portland Department of Transportation that shows about 60 percent of Portlanders are interested and curious about riding their bikes for fun and transportation, but…

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Image for Dan Grunig
  • Mar 28, 2014
  • By Dan Grunig

Action Needed- Safe Routes to School

Safe Routes to School Needs Your Help! ACTION NEEDED: Important vote in House of Representatives on Monday, April 14 Please call or email your state house representative today and ask them to support House Bill 1301– Safe Routes to School, which continues funding for the Safe Routes to School program. Opponents are…

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Image for Dan Grunig
  • Mar 19, 2014
  • By Dan Grunig

Safe Routes in the House (of Representatives)

The bill that will keep the Colorado Safe Routes to School program alive goes to its first committee hearing on March 19, when Representative Diane Mitch Bush presents the bill to the State House Transportation Committee. Success for this bill is critical as it supports the primary child safety program in Colorado…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Mar 18, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Bring on the Bicycle Bling

It all started with a bicycle mascot. I found Ralph in a pet shop, and from the moment I saw him, I knew I had to have him on the handlebars of my mountain bike. Over the years, Ralph and his wonderful ribbit brought smiles and giggles to many hikers (kids loved…

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Image for Amy Morfas
  • Mar 17, 2014
  • By Amy Morfas

Ride on, ladies

I’ve just had the pleasure of attending the Women’s Forum at the National Bike Summit in Washington, DC, and my head is spinning as fast as my bike wheels with all the information and inspiration that’s out there. Nearly 400 women and men attended this one-day forum with one goal: showcasing female…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Mar 4, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Bill to save Safe Routes to School introduced

On March 3, State Representative Diane Mitsch Bush introduced a bill to save the Colorado Safe Routes to School program. She was joined by 13 bipartisan cosponsors in the House and three in the Senate, led by sponsor Sen. Andy Kerr. See the list of sponsors on the right. House Bill 14-1301…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Feb 17, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

Mom on a Bike

Getting more women riding A few days ago, Bicycle Colorado held its fourth annual Colorado Bike Summit. While I always find this event energizing and encouraging, this year I left feeling particularly motivated after one of the breakout sessions on Getting More Women Riding. The room was full of people interested in…

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Image for Dan Grunig
  • Feb 5, 2014
  • By Dan Grunig

Saving Safe Routes to School

December saw the Colorado Department of Transportation accept the last round of applications for safe routes to school grants. The Safe Routes to School program is no longer required by federal law, so now it is up to each state to keep the program alive. We want Colorado to keep Safe Routes…

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Image for Bicycle Colorado
  • Jan 23, 2014
  • By Bicycle Colorado

My Favorite Travel Recipe

I have always loved riding bikes and I have always loved traveling.   A few years ago I decided to combine these two loves and did my first bike tour in Mexico. I’d visited Mexico many times and even lived there for a bit, but it wasn’t until I traveled through Oaxaca on…

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Bicycle Colorado

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  • Share and tag your bicycle images
  • Bicycle Colorado has been proud to offer a variety of bike clinics this season to give riders new skills and confidence. Thanks to Nicole from the Amy D. Foundation for leading the Women’s Gravel Clinic.
  • After multiple attempts since 2018, on the final day of the session, the Colorado Legislature passed SB24-065, also known as the distracted driving bill.
  • Mark your calendars … @VeloSwap is back! #VeloSwap Tickets and booth space are now available for the November 2nd event. Link in bio. #BikeExpo #Denver